Thursday, January 12, 2012

It's all good

As hoped, writing therapy did the trick yesterday! Despite lack of sleep, I had a reasonably productive day and wasn't overly disappointed when, as expected, I received no call or email about Drowsy. Fiddler rehearsal was also terribly productive (it's gonna be amazing, y'all--fair warning).  More telling, I slept like a log last night. Woot!

Now I'm mulling auditioning for Millionaire.  It's not a musical, but I think I could handle any of the three adult women parts.  In the Disney movie, Mrs. Drexel Biddle was played by Greer Garson, and I played Mrs. Greer in Annie.  Hmmm... Is that a sign?  ;)

By the way, this is my 100th post on this blog!  And I forgot to notify Al Roker, dangit.

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