Friday, March 06, 2009

Erin, this is for you: My baby book

My dear neurotic pregnant sister has this notion that second and subsequent babies never get the attention that the first child got. So it is my understanding that she has decided NOT to do baby books or scrapbooks even for the first child, because she might not be able to do the same thing for a second baby, if a second child is indeed in God's plan. When she was here for Christmas, she mentioned my baby book, and how it was so much more detailed than hers. I laughed, but could not remember where I'd put my baby book to show her. Well, today I found it. Took a photo of every page spread so she could see. Here's the cover and the first few page spreads:

So far, so good. All this stuff was probably filled out when the book was purchased, at the shower, and in the hospital. It looks like there was once a copy of my birth certificate there, but it is now gone.
Okay, here the info starts to peter out. The cause is not that another baby was born, but that keeping up with a baby book, no matter how many other kids you have, becomes less of a priority, and THAT'S OKAY.
There's only one date recorded for my first. Mom went in after the fact and put in approximate ages. Aack! My first word isn't recorded!!!
Must have had a good long nap when I was 4 months old when my baby book was out...
Okay, this is kind of interesting. My first birthday is recorded in one ink. The REST are recorded in another ink. Mom recorded 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th birthdays AFTER my 6th birthday, which, incidentally, was after Erin (baby #3) was born. She probably pulled out Julie's and my baby books when she was working on Erin's. (And in fact, most of my 'Firsts' recorded up there are in the same ink, so mom filled in a LOT of my baby book after Erin was born.)
That's all. It's not complete by any means, but I am so glad to have it.
Erin, how does this compare to your baby book?


doms mom said...

Dominic's baby book has a total of 4 pages with writing on them. They were all filled out over 7 months ago in the hospital. The book has not even been opened since. In fact, it was just a month ago that I found it in the front pocket of my suitcase I took to the hospital. Maybe someday I'll record the details of his first year. But right now I'm too busy enjoying every moment.

Beaver said...

First of all, what crock to call that a "baby book" since it covers up to six years! Mine is less full...but, has, coincidentally the SAME ink as yours. Mom went in after the fact and filled in approximate dates. I concede that I do have a hospital bracelet and a lock of hair, but not much more.

What I did learn, however, was that mom didn't breastfeed [you]! I never knew that, considering how many people she told it was okay to breastfeed in front of us girls (something I mentioned to Eli the other day that was weird when I was a pre-teen). Juice and cereal? Interesting.

I'm still not sold on the idea of scrapbooking because it's so high maintenance, but could probably be sold on a baby book provided it covers 1-2 years ONLY. Really. Six years?

Motorcycle grandma said...

Baby book? What's that? Must have been invented after the 1950's!!! I do however have my hospital bracelet - it's little pink beads strung together on a chord with white beads in the center that spell VENTURA. I'm planning to take it to a jeweler and have "something" done with it. Open to suggestions!

Cheryl said...

First, thank-you Dom's mom - too busy enjoying every moment! Second, Stacy's first word was probably AACK and it's true, I did not record it probably because I did not recognize at the time that it was a word but have heard her use it many, many times throughout the years when she was frustrated about something like the computer not doing what it was supposed to do. Third, I did breastfeed Stacey until I got pneumonia when she was 8 months old and I was had to take medications affected the milk and were not good for her. My father at the time was unemployed and very helpful in caring for both me and Stacey while I was in Ohio for a friends wedding. Did I leave anything out. Oh yeah, why does it matter WHEN the book was completed - when you were a baby or when you were 30? The baby book may have been neglected but you were all well fed, loved, entertained and acutally turned out to be great people - with hangups about baby books for heaven's sake. (let it go)